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Building the next generation of leaders requires real-world opportunity as well as training; and laying the foundations of democratic leadership is essential in moving away from a legacy of command-control leadership structures.

NHS HCHS workforce statistics from 2022/23 show that ‘promotion’ was cited by staff who resigned as one of the top 3 reasons for leaving. Also, the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan (2023) identified training as one of the top priorities in order to retain and grow the workforce in order to meet the required needs (and close the gap) for the future workforce.  

The ImproveWell solution can support the development of holistic leadership skills. By empowering staff to run improvement and feedback initiatives, promoting a ground-up approach to change, providing real-world experience of large- and small-scale project management and ensuring diverse voices are heard, you will upskill the leaders of tomorrow. ImproveWell also has a wide range of CPD-accredited training and educational resources to recognise the efforts of ImproveWell champions.

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